Friday 21 September 2012

Naval Architecture

1. Geometry of the Ship & Hydrostatic Calculations:
Ship lines, displacement calculation, tonnes per cm, immersion, coefficient of form, wetted surface area, similar figures.

2. Calculation of Area & Volume:
First & Second moment of areas, Simpson's rules, applications to the area & volume, Trapezoidal rule, mean & mid-ordinate rule, Tchebycheff's rule & their applications.

3. Stability of Ships:
Statical stability at small angles of heel, calculation of G.M., metacentric diagram, inclining experiment, free surface effect, stability at large angles of heel, curves of statical stability, dynamical stability, angle of roll, stability of a well sided ship.

4. Resistance & Powering:
Frictional, residuary & total resistance, Foude's law of comparison, effecive power calculations, ship's co-relation factor (SCF), admiralty co-efficient, fuel co-efficient & fuel consumption.

5. Longitudinal Stability & Trim:
Longitudinal bending moment, moment to change trim by one cm, change of trim, change of L.C.B. with change of trim, change of trim due to adding or deducting weights, alteration of draft due to change in density, flooding calculations, floodable length curves, method for determination of floodable lengths, factors of sub-division, loss of stability due to grounding, docking stability, pressure on chocks.

6. Strength on Ships:
Curves of buoyancy & weights, curves of load, shearing force & bending moments, alternate methods, standard conditions, balancing ship on wave, approximation of maximum shearing force & bending moment, method of estimating bending moment, longitudinal strength, moment of inertia of section, section modules.

7. Propulsion & Propellers:
Definitions, apparent & real ship, wake, thrust, relation between powers, relation between mean pressure & speed, measurement of pitch, cavitation, propeller types, fixed pitch, ring propeller, Kort nozzles, Voith Schemder propeller, general theory of propeller action, theory of screwed propeller, momentum theory, blade element theory, law of simulitude & model tests with propellers, propulsion tests geometry, geometrical properties of screwed propellers, ship model co-relating ship trials.

8. Rudder Theory:
Action of the rudder in turning ship, force on rudder, torque on stock, calculation of forces & torque on non-rectangular rudder, angle of heel due to force on rudder, angle of heel when turning, types of rudders, model experiments, turning trials, area & shape of rudder, position of rudder, stern rudders vs bow rudders.

9. Motion of Ship on Waves:
Theory of waves, trochoidal waves, relationship between line of orbit centers & the undisturbed surface, sinusoidal waves, irregular wave pattern, wave spectra, wave amplitudes, rolling in unresisting media, rolling in resisting media, practical aspects of rolling, anti rolling devices, forces caused by rolling & pitching, heaving & yawing.


  1. Great thoughts you got there, believe I may possibly try just some of it throughout my daily life.
    Naval Architecture
