This is more of an interactive subject than a theoretical one. This is to improve your communications skills, as communications skills are very much important on ships, as various nationalities may be present on the same ship.
Monday, 24 September 2012
There will be 2 workshops:
- Internal Workshop
- External Workshop
1. Internal Workshop:
It will be conducted by college. This lab will mostly deal with:
- Working on lathe machines
- Welding
- Oil-water separator
- Refrigerant plants
- Bilge pumps
- Compressors
- Different types of valves
- Purifiers
- Steering Mechanism
- Boilers
- Air-compressors, etc.
2. External Workshop:
This external workshop will be conducted at a dockyard & consists of a total of 1024 hours, which compulsorily have to be completed before going on-board a ship. This workshop comprises of:
Mechanical Lab
This lab contains experiments which were done during Mechanical Engineering Degree Course. Some of them include:
- Gear Pump
- Reciprocating Pump
- Centrifugal Pump
- Centrifugal Pumps in Parallel
- Centrifugal Pumps in Series
- Determination of Metacentric Height
- Governors, etc.
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Gear Pump Test Rig |
Reciprocating Pump Test Rig |
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Centrifugal Pump Test Rig |
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Governor |
Marine Control Lab
This lab consists of familiarization of various control systems on-board a ship. There are 4 main control variables:
- Pressure
- Temperature
- Flow
- Level
Experiments regarding the familiarization of these control variables.
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Electrical Lab
This lab deals with the electrical components on-board a ship. This includes, familiarization to ship's electrical system, working of various electrical equipment, etc.
Introduction to basic electronic circuits & GATES, & their use on-board a ship.
Introduction to flip-flops & their use on-board a ship.
Introduction to basic electronic circuits & GATES, & their use on-board a ship.
Introduction to flip-flops & their use on-board a ship.
Boiler Chemistry Lab
This lab deals with the tests conducted on water used for boiler operations. Tests will be conducted to check various factors of water, such as:
- Alkalinity test
- Sulphide test
- Chloride test
- pH test
- Phosphate test
- Bicarbonates test
Saturday, 22 September 2012
Marine Control & Automation
1. Marine Automation:
Introduction, development of ship board automation, advantages of marine automation, degree of automation in engine room of motor & steamships, essential safety requirements for unattended machinery spaces, centralized control station, control console, centralized control room panel boards, layout, controls, alarms, visual displays, data loggers, mock up assembly.
2. Control Systems:
Introduction, control terms, closed loop, feedback, block diagrams, open loop control, comparison of closed loop & open loop, feed forward control, feed forward modification, regulators & servo-mechanisms.
3. Instrumentation:
Introduction, basic characteristics of instruments - accuracy, reproducibility, sensitivity, responsiveness & fidelity, factors affecting speed of response, sensors, transducers & measuring elements for temperature, pressure, level, flow, humidity, analyzers for specific gravity, viscosity, pH value, conductivity, oxygen, carbon dioxide, combustibility & chromotography, instrument selection for marine application.
4. Transmission:
Pneumatic & electric transmission, suitability for marine use.
5. Processor:
Basic process, characteristic process, load, sources of load change, capacitance, resistance, time constant, process lags, self regulation, process reaction curves.
6. Control:
Control modes - two position, two position with differential, proportional, floating, proportional plus integral, proportional plus derivative, proportional plus integral plus derivative, use of various control modes.
7. Controllers:
Pneumatic, hydraulic, electric & electronic controllers for generation of control actions, time function controllers.
8. Correcting Units:
Diaphragm actuators, valve positioners, piston actuators, elctro-pneumatic transducers, electro-hydraulic actuators, electric actuators, control valves - plug shapes, valve characteristics, air to close & air to open valves, range-ability, sizing valves, construction & selection.
Applications on Controls on Ships:
1. Marine Boilers:
Automatic Combustion Control - air/fuel ratio control, feed water control - single, two & three element type, steam pressure control, combustion chamber pressure control, fuel oil temperature control.
2. Marine Diesel Engines:
Temperature control of lubricating oil, jacket water cooling, fuel valve cooling water, piston cooling water & scavenge air, fuel oil viscosity control.
3. Geared Diesel, Direct & Turbine Installations:
Bridge control of main machinery, instrumentation for UMS classification.
4. Computers:
Simple computation, data processing computers, wired type & stores programmed type computers, computer control, analogue inputs, analogue outputs, digital inputs, digital outputs, interrupt & priority control, application of computers on merchant ships for performance monitoring & maintenance data prediction.
Fire Prevention & Its Control & MARPOL, ISO/ISM
Classification of fires - A,B,C & D, mechanism & character of fire & explosions, causes of spontaneous combustion, precautions & prevention in cargo & machinery spaces,crank case explosions in diesel engines, danger of explosion in tankers due to presence of inflammable gases, hazards arising from static electricity in tankers, safety precautions on tankers, IMCO's recommendations, gas detection, tank cleaning & gas freeing systems for large tanks, precautions to be taken before entering double bottom tanks, cargo & ballast tanks & void spaces, prevention of fire during welding operations.
2. Fire Detection:
Fire detection & alarm systems, centralized control, smoke & ionization chambers, sensor heads in unmanned machinery spaces, mist detectors in enclosed crank cases of diesel engines, action to be taken when a fire is detected, informing & alarm system.
3. Fire Extinguishing Appliances:
An outline knowledge of statuary regulations - The Merchant Shipping Rules - concerning fire fighting appliances & systems for cargo, passenger ships, tankers, machinery spaces with boiler & diesel engines, emergency fire pump, hydrants & hoses, international hose connections, construction & operation of various types of portable extinguishers, smothering system, steam smothering system, automatic sprinkler system, high expansion foam smothering systems & inert gas, latest developments in fire fighting systems & appliances.
4. Fire Fighting:
Methods used to prevent the spread of fire, fuel oil pumps, lubricating oil pumps & ventilation fan remote shut off, procedure of fire fighting in machinery spaces, cargo holds, tanks, accommodation, use of smoke helmets & self contained breathing apparatus, training of personnel in fire fighting, IMO's recommendations, fire fighting organization, muster & fire drills in seagoing ships, care, maintenance, use & testing of appliances, survey of fire appliances, instruments to surveyors, safety equipment certificate & its validity.
MARPOL (Marine Pollution)
1. General:
Inter-Governmental Organization, prevention of pollution by ships.
2. Prevention of Pollution by Oil:
Regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil, requirements for control of operational pollution, reception facilities, oil tankers with segregated ballast, segregation of oil & water ballast, retention of oil on board, oil discharge monitoring & control system & oily-water separating equipment, tanks for oil residues, pumping, piping & discharge arrangements of oil tankers, standard discharge connection, oil record book, subdivision & stability criteria of an oil tanker.
3. Prevention of Pollution by Sewage:
Surveys of equipment, discharge of sewage, exception, reception facilities & standard discharge connections.
4. Prevention of Pollution by Garbage:
Special requirements for disposal of garbage, disposal of garbage within special areas & outside special areas, exceptions, reception facilities.
5. Control of Emissions from Ships.
6. Control & Management of Ship's Ballast Water & Pollution due to Anti-fouling Paints.
2. Basic working knowledge & regulations for following IMO conventions - SOLAS, loadline, MARPOL, COLREG, STCW.
3. Quality fundamentals, quality concepts, ISO series, quality system, requirements of ISO-9000
4. Role of Government in control of merchant ships, ISM code, objectives & functional requirements for safety management system.
5. An overview of watch-keeping system as practiced on-board ships, procedures for taking over & maintaining an Engine Room watch.
6. Guidance to watch-keeper in case of emergencies, like scavenge fires, crankcase explosions, starting airline explosions, fire in engine room, flooding in engine room, power failure, maintenance of log book, log abstract, Chief Engineer's machinery report.
Ship Operation & Management
1. Brief History of Shipping:
Modern shipping practice, marine vehicles & cargoes, development in shipping & cargo handling, principal shipping organizations, liner & tramp shipping services, conference systems, chartering, charter parties, theory of freight rates & fares, rate fixation machinery & government control, bills of lading, carriage of goods by sea ac, cargo surveys & protests.
2. Marine Insurance:
Underwriting & loss adjusting principles applied to marine cargo insurance, hull policy, particular average, general average, P & I clubs.
3. Ship Operation:
Ownerships of vessels, shipping company & its administration, capitalization & finance, economics of new & second hand tonnage, flag discrimination, flags of convenience, subsidies, planning sailing schedules, voyage estimates, economic factors, manning of ships.
4. Merchant Shipping Act:
Ship's papers, collision, explosion, fire, vessels in distress, scope of act, law of sea convention, concept of port state, genuine link, registration of ships, mortgage & transfer of ownership, liabilities & pollution, seaworthy ship, Containerization, Multi-modal transport, problems, prospects, Multi-modal Transportation of Goods Act 1993 (April).
Seamanship & Lifeboat
1. Seaman & His Duties:
2. Deck Equipment:
3. Navigational Lights & Signals:
Port & starboard, forward & mast lights, colors & location, look out, precautions in bad weather, flags used on ships, flag etiquette, morse & semaphore signalling, sound signals.
4. Ropes, Knots & Mooring:
Types of knots, practice of knot formation, material of ropes, strength, care & maintenance, use of mooring line, heaving line, rat guards, canvas & its use.
5. Anchors:
6. Navigation:
General knowledge of principal stars, sextant, navigation compasses, echo sounder, log & uses, barometer & weather classification, GMT & zonal time, wireless navigational instruments, radar satellite navigation.
Construction, equipment carried, carrying capacity, davits & their operation, launching of life rafts, embarkation into lifeboat & life raft, survival pack, stowage & securing arrangement.
Manning of lifeboat & life raft, muster list, radio & alarm signals, distress signals, distress calls, time & radio frequency, pyro-techniques.
9. Survival at Sea:
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